à propos du Projet INF
Dans cette recherche (comme dans les autres) , j'essaie de cumuler les acquis des différents arts dans mon approche musicale pour aller plus loin
I've just started recording the music for the INF project, in which I'm taking science, technology and philosophy as my subject, while working on something that's interested me for a long time, which is the informational.unterested in for a long time, which is informational, but as it's about musical imagination, you won't expect to find a replica of the fields I've been working on since 1994
In this research (as in the others), I am trying to combine the knowledge of the different arts in my approach to music in order to go further.
The conception of my music starts from a very general plan, and at the moment of recording I improvise according to this plan, then experimentation leads to the provisional form (while waiting to do better later) that you can hear.
écoutez: audio: Gilbert Quélennec, extraits de INF
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