Atelier de Gilbert Quélennec = ISSN 2556-5362

" En tous cas, je ne peux pas m'imaginer que les grandes formes anciennes (quatuor à cordes, symphonie, oratorio, etc.) pourront jouer un rôle quelconque. Si quelque chose advient, cela devra - je crois - être simple, transparent. "

lundi 23 septembre 2024

Influence 13: Allan Holdsworth


Gilbert Quélennec

Influence 13: Allan Holdsworth


Ce qui m'a le plus influencé chez Allan Holdsworth, c'était sa volonté d'être libre, d'aller en dehors des approches conventionnelles..

Extrait de l'un de ses entretiens, à propos de Tesla :  "It's about this particular tower and Nikola Tesla. I was intrigued when I read the big book with his patents and everything. He seemed to be a guy who was doing things, being really creative and it seemed he wasn't in the right time to be doing what he was doing. Although what he did contributed to everyone and everyone benefited, not many people actually know he was responsible for all the things he did. When I started working on that track Wardenclyffe Tower, I had this idea of Tesla in his workshop. So, when I finished that piece, I thought well, that would be a good title for the whole record."

J'ai donné un entretien autour de l'envie d'Holdsworth d'aller le plus loin possible dans ses improvisations: entretien avec Gilbert Quélennec sur les improvisations d'Allan Holdsworth, dans l'émission Guitare passion de David Marnay , Radio fidélité, septembre 2019


What influenced me most about Allan Holdsworth, was his willingness to be free, to go beyond conventional approaches...

Extract from one of his interviews, about Tesla: “It's about this particular tower and Nikola Tesla. I was intrigued when I read the big book with his patents and everything. He seemed to be a guy who was doing things, being really creative and it seemed he wasn't in the right time to be doing what he was doing. Although what he did contributed to everyone and everyone benefited, not many people actually know he was responsible for all the things he did. When I started working on that track Wardenclyffe Tower, I had this idea of Tesla in his workshop. So, when I finished that piece, I thought well, that would be a good title for the whole record.”

I gave an interview about Holdsworth's desire to go as far as possible in his improvisations: interview with Gilbert Quélennec on Allan Holdsworth's improvisations, in David Marnay's Guitare passion program, Radio fidélité, September 2019



voir également: Quelques influences












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